Ctrl+R and the little eyeballs icon can only display in qpdfview

Paul A. Rubin parubin73 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 26 15:20:30 UTC 2021

On 11/26/21 3:40 AM, Steve Litt wrote:
> Paul A. Rubin said on Thu, 25 Nov 2021 23:11:34 -0500
>> On 11/25/21 8:49 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> No matter what I've tried, Ctrl+R and the little eyeballs icon
>>> displays the PDF version of the document only in qpdfview. I changed
>>> tools=>preferences=>output=>general=>PDF Command to
>>> mupdf "$$o#src:$$f:$$n:0"
>>> and yet still, the eyeballs and Ctrl+R display in qpdfview.
>>> Why this matters is, alone in all my PDF viewers, qpdfview displays
>>> links with annoying boxes around them, even though I did:
>>> \usepackage{hyperref }%          Colored, clickable URLs
>>> \hypersetup{
>>>     hidelinks = true,
>>>     colorlinks   = true, %Colours links instead of ugly boxes
>>>     urlcolor     = linkcolor, %Colour for external hyperlinks
>>>     linkcolor    = linkcolor, %Colour of internal links
>>>     citecolor   = green %Colour of citations
>>> }
>>> So, how does one set the viewer when presses Ctrl+R or clicks the
>>> eyeballs?
>>> Thanks,
>>> SteveT
>>> Steve Litt
>>> Spring 2021 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques of the
>>> Successful Technologist http://www.troubleshooters.com/techniques
>> Try Tools > Preferences... > File Handling > File Format, select in
>> the "Format:" box the way you compile to PDF (so "PDF (pdflatex)" for
>> me, since I'm old fashioned), then select your preferred PDF viewer in
>> the "Viewer:" menu and click OK. If your preferred viewer is not
>> there, select "Custom" and put the command to run the viewer in the
>> box alongside the menu.
> Thanks Paul,
> Tools=>Preferences=>File Handling=>File Formats=>Viewer: is a list box
> that gives me only two choices: None and Custom. It was on None, so I
> switched to Custom and put mupdf, and left and restarted LyX. No
> change, still rendered in qpdfview. So I went into
> ~/.lyx/lyxrc.defaults and added
> \viewer_alternatives pdf  "mupdf"
> for pdf thru pdf8. But when I exited and restarted LyX, the Viewer
> dropdown still only offered Custom and None.
> So as a Hail Mary, after adding all the mupdf lines, I performed a
> Tools=>Reconfigure, and it replaced all my mupdf with qpdfview. :/-)
> At this point it was 3:30AM and I decided to save it for another day.
> Thanks,
> SteveT
> Steve Litt
> Spring 2021 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful
> Technologist http://www.troubleshooters.com/techniques

Well, the failure of the Hail Mary was at least consistent. When you 
reconfigure, the defaults file gets overwritten.

If you run "which mupdf" in a terminal, does the system show the correct 
path? If not, maybe LyX is sensing that it can't find mupdf (because it 
needs a full path) and thus omits it. Otherwise, I don't see why the 
manual edit of the defaults file wouldn't work.

I just looked at the configure.py script, and 'mupdf' is on the list of 
PDF viewers it looks for. So I suggest you look at the configure.log 
file in ~/.lyx. I ran "grep -i mupdf configure.log" on mine and got

INFO: +checking for "mupdf"...  no

(which is correct for my system). If yours says no, then the config 
script is no able to find mupdf.


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