Change spacing between aligned environment rows

Sanford Shieh sshieh at
Sat Nov 13 21:43:21 UTC 2021

Using the aligned environment in LyX, is there a way of changing the spacing between rows by using, e.g., \\[2mm<file://[2mm>]? For example, can one, without ERT, have this:

& \text{The fact that the entity whose name is to the \emph{right of} ‘\emph{is loved by}’}\\[-2mm]
& \text{loves the entity whose name is on the \emph{left of} ‘\emph{is loved by}’}
\end{aligned} \label{eq:m(y)-l2-m(x)}

Sanford Shieh
Department  of Philosophy
Wesleyan University
350 High Street
Middletown, CT 06459
sanford.shieh at<mailto:sanford.shieh at>
+1 860 685 3646
[cid:image001.jpg at 01D7D8AD.9150C350]
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