Trouble changing font family for footnotes

Axel Dessecker a.dessecker at
Mon Nov 8 15:52:36 UTC 2021

Am Montag, 8. November 2021, 16:26:00 CET schrieb Ricardo Berlasso:
> Hi, LyXiers!
> Here's the situation. I'm using the standard Book documentclass with XeTeX
> as engine. I'm also starting to use Octavio Pardo's version of EB Garamond
> Good thing about this version is that it offers bold, among other things.
> Bad thing is that it do not offer optical sizes. But I noticed that the
> medium weight is a good replacement for the old EB Garamond 08 so I tried
> to change the font used by footnotes with
> \newfontfamily{\ebgm}[RawFeature={+ss06}]{EBGaramond-Medium}
> \usepackage{footmisc}
> \renewcommand*{\footnotelayout}{\footnotesize\ebgm}
> which works perfectly well in isolation. Problem is, I'm also trying to set
> the footnote mark to not be displayed on superscript with
> \makeatletter
> \renewcommand\@makefntext[1]{%
> \noindent\makebox[0pt][r]{\ebgm\@thefnmark.\space}#1}
> \makeatother
> which also works well in isolation, setting the mark within the margin,
> with the desired font, and "at ground level" as I like. Problem is, I
> cannot use both blocks of code within the same document at the same time:
> no matter in which order I write them, the first one gets ignored.
> Attached there is a minimal example file (it's in Article documentclass,
> but the problem is the same). Notice that you need the right font installed!
> Any idea? I'm on openSUSE Leap 15.3 with texlive 2017.
> Thanks!


Is this the way you want it?

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