Trouble changing font family for footnotes

Ricardo Berlasso rgb.mldc at
Mon Nov 8 15:26:00 UTC 2021

Hi, LyXiers!

Here's the situation. I'm using the standard Book documentclass with XeTeX
as engine. I'm also starting to use Octavio Pardo's version of EB Garamond

Good thing about this version is that it offers bold, among other things.
Bad thing is that it do not offer optical sizes. But I noticed that the
medium weight is a good replacement for the old EB Garamond 08 so I tried
to change the font used by footnotes with




which works perfectly well in isolation. Problem is, I'm also trying to set
the footnote mark to not be displayed on superscript with





which also works well in isolation, setting the mark within the margin,
with the desired font, and "at ground level" as I like. Problem is, I
cannot use both blocks of code within the same document at the same time:
no matter in which order I write them, the first one gets ignored.

Attached there is a minimal example file (it's in Article documentclass,
but the problem is the same). Notice that you need the right font installed!

Any idea? I'm on openSUSE Leap 15.3 with texlive 2017.

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