adding a class to LyX from a "latex skeleton"

David Pesetsky pesetsk at
Wed Nov 3 17:31:04 UTC 2021

I would like to be able to create a LyX document using one of the “latex-skeletons” at (specifically, at the moment, the “Latex-skeleton for monographs”)  — but can’t seem to find a how-to for adding, say, a Langsci Press book class to LyX, or anything else useful.

If there are relevant instructions somewhere, can you point me to them, or otherwise help?  I’m using LyX 2.3 on a Mac — thanks!


David Pesetsky [pesetsk at<mailto:pesetsk at>]
Department of Linguistics and Philosophy
32-D862 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
(617) 253-0957 office           (617) 253-5017 fax

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