Richard Kimberly Heck
rikiheck at
Sat Mar 27 14:20:36 UTC 2021
On 3/27/21 5:43 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> Am 25.03.21 um 18:56 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
>> If I have two bib files in the bibliography; is the second one only
>> used, if the citation is NOT in the first one?
>> Wolfgang
> Perhaps I explained badly:
> I have two relatively large bib files.
> The first one contains (among many others) most of the needed
> references for my book.
> The second one (among many others) those which are missing in the
> first one.
> I would like to get those into my document.
> But I do not want to have any references of the first one to be
> replaced by the same references in the second bib file.
If you have two entries with the same key, then you will get errors, and
LyX will abort the compilation. I just ran a test, with the same entry
(Heck:SolveFrege) repeated between two files, and get:
10:11:17.197: The style file: plainnat.bst
10:11:17.198: Database file #1: 0_home_rikiheck_files_bibtex_test-a.bib
10:11:17.202: Database file #2: 1_home_rikiheck_files_bibtex_test-b.bib
10:11:17.202: Repeated entry---line 1 of file
10:11:17.203: : @article{Heck:SolveFrege
10:11:17.203: : ,
10:11:17.204: I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry
10:11:17.204: (There was 1 error message)
10:11:17.205: bibtex "test"
10:11:17.301: This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (TeX Live
2020) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
10:11:17.302: restricted \write18 enabled.
10:11:17.302: entering extended mode
10:11:17.302: (./test.tex
10:11:17.302: LaTeX2e <2020-02-02> patch level 5
10:11:17.302: L3 programming layer <2020-04-06>
10:11:17.302: pdflatex "test.tex"Systemcall.cpp (291): Systemcall:
'bibtex "test"' finished with exit code 2
10:11:17.504: Error while exporting format: PDF (pdflatex)
In LaTeX, you get the same error when running bibtex. It is up to you
whether to proceed! The first included entry is what appears in the bbl
file (as the second is ignored). And yes, LyX does output the bib files
in the order in which they are included in the dialog. (Note that the
dialog allows them to be re-ordered for this reason.)
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