How to superscript within a date environment

Daniel xracoonx at
Sun Jul 25 09:27:41 UTC 2021

On 2021-07-25 08:46, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Am 25.07.21 um 07:22 schrieb Daniel:
>> On 2021-07-25 07:09, Steve Litt wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> On my book, I used the date environment to write "A
>>> Troubleshooters.Com(R) book, except I used \textregistered. I wanted
>>> the (R) superscripted, and couldn't find ways that didn't involve math.
>>> So I finally put the following in ERT (TeX)
>>> $^{\footnotesize\textregistered}$
>> This gave me a "Missing glyphs!" error.
> foo\textsuperscript\textregistered
> Herbert

Yes, you can solve the error by using textsuperscript. However, entering 
math mode seems superfluous then. And outside of math mode, you can just 
use the LyX functionality to achieve the same result as suggested below.

>> Without using math, couldn't you insert a superscript (Insert > 
>> Formatting > Superscript) and then \textregistered in ERT (Insert > 
>> TeX Code)?
>> Daniel

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