Sort order in the index

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at
Sun Jul 18 12:58:35 UTC 2021

Am 18.07.21 um 13:54 schrieb Andreas Plihal:
> I set the index processor to standard in the document settings. (There 
> is still makeindex in the tools - there is no standard there. Why do 
> you define that in two places ???)

It is a limitation of the current yX version that you can not choose
xindex as _program_

> As a result (unfortunately) my default setting - which Jürgen 
> Spitzmüller advised me some time ago - has become ineffective.
> Now I get - after several indexless attempts! - finally my 
> "Sachregister" again. But the sorting is completely wrong. All umlauts 
> are output at the end. This does not correspond to the Duden regulations!

This is not possible with xindex, so I do not know what you are doing ...
xindex sorts by default Ö->O but with
xindex --config DIN2
it sorts with Ö->Oe


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