Libertinus and AnonymousPro fonts

Dr Eberhard Lisse nospam at lisse.NA
Wed Jul 14 18:33:15 UTC 2021


It is being developed, I think not even in beta.  The latest (for the
Mac) is LyX (2021-01-07)

LyX can export into lower versions but it's better to have the same
version with all collborators.

If you have homebrew it'll update itself by itself :-)-O. Otherwise,
read this newsgroup and look for the announcement. Perhaps even wait a
week or two after the announcement in case of a short term update being

Once it's out just install it on top of 2.3.6(*).  It is not a good idea
to have two different versions as 2.3.6 can't read 2.4 files only the
other way round.


On 2021-07-14 15:50 , Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
>> Lyx2.4 knows libertinus BTW.
> That's good.  From where does one get it?  It is not in
> Since I work with colleagues on a book, I would like to have it in
> addition to 2.3.6 Could someone point out how to do that?
> Wolfgang

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