biblatex style options

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at
Sat Jul 10 08:14:23 UTC 2021

Am 10.07.21 um 09:20 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> I asked the Springer people whether a biblatex style corresponding to 
> their spbasic.bst exists, but the answer was not very helpful ('it 
> doesn't matter ...).
> What I like to know is, how to set the options of biblatex in order to 
> get the spbasic output. Or could I use the bibtex export of the 
> bibliography and include it in the pdf file? Not very elegant...
> I remember, for bibtex exists a link which shows the various outputs 
> of the bibliography styles+options (and of the text citations) 
> together with the way to proceed to get them. Would be good to have 
> something similar for biblatex.
> Specifically, I would like to have in the bibliography Authorname, 
> only first character of forename without point (e.g. Mayer P). As it 
> is now the forenames are either before or after the name, abbreviated 
> or in full. How to restrict it to 3 names was explained already by 
> Herbert Voss.
> Any hints?

The style spbasic _has_ a dot after the forname. Are you sure, that
there should be nothing?

I have no access to my computer with LyX (it does not run on macOS - 
so I cannot provide a LyX example, maybe later today (afternoon or evening).

But here is the LaTeX solution with your test bibdata file, which has the
dot after the forname, but this can also be changed, if really needed:


%  \bibstring{in}%
%  \printunit{\intitlepunct}%



As \textcite{Daan1984} already wrote, is this 
And also see \textcite[p.~112]{McClure1966}.



lualatex test
biber test
lualatex test
lualatex test

If you do not want to change all your \citet and \citep in your original 
then use


but I would be prefer a search and replace and using the biblatex commands.

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