biblatex style options

Wolfgang Engelmann engelmann at
Sat Jul 10 07:46:10 UTC 2021

Am 10.07.21 um 09:20 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> I asked the Springer people whether a biblatex style corresponding to 
> their spbasic.bst exists, but the answer was not very helpful ('it 
> doesn't matter ...).
> What I like to know is, how to set the options of biblatex in order to 
> get the spbasic output. Or could I use the bibtex export of the 
> bibliography and include it in the pdf file? Not very elegant...
> I remember, for bibtex exists a link which shows the various outputs of 
> the bibliography styles+options (and of the text citations) together 
> with the way to proceed to get them. Would be good to have something 
> similar for biblatex.
> Specifically, I would like to have in the bibliography Authorname, only 
> first character of forename without point (e.g. Mayer P). As it is now 
> the forenames are either before or after the name, abbreviated or in 
> full. How to restrict it to 3 names was explained already by Herbert Voss.
> Any hints?
> Wolfgang
Found this:
but could not find an answer to the specific questions above

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