Fwd: Libertinus font and AnonymousPro > almost done

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at fu-berlin.de
Thu Jul 8 09:33:51 UTC 2021

Am 08.07.21 um 10:41 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> I add in the appendix a short file
> AnonymousPro.23-WE-HV-bib.lyx
> and a bib file BIBFILE.bib
> with one entry
> Could somebody check it?
> I tried it with export as lualatex and running lualatex on a terminal 
> without success >
> (./AnonymousPro.23-WE-HV-bib.bbl)
> LaTeX Warning: Citation 'Daan1984' on page 1 undefined on input line 20.
> ! LaTeX Error: Can be used only in preamble.
> Does it mean, I can't use a bib file for the references, but have to 
> include it in the preamble?

you have to use the LyX-way and not the TeX commands for
\addbibresource, which must be, by the way, in the preamble.
It is a bit crazy that LyX doesn't allow to define the database
via Document->Preferences->Bibliography

You have to use instead Insert->Lists/TOC->biblatex Bibliography
The cursor must be in the document at the place where the
bib ahould appear.
Choose the bibliography from the list which collects all existing
databases available in TL2021. In the attached screenshots I choosed
biblatex-examples.bib and a citation [aksin].


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