Fwd: Libertinus font and AnonymousPro > almost done

Wolfgang Engelmann engelmann at uni-tuebingen.de
Thu Jul 8 08:47:59 UTC 2021

Am 08.07.21 um 10:41 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> Am 08.07.21 um 08:54 schrieb Herbert Voss:
>> Am 08.07.21 um 08:44 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
>>> And indeed:
>>> wolfgang at Fuji:~/Downloads$ pdffonts AnonymousPro.23-WE-HV.pdf
>>> name                                 type              encoding emb 
>>> sub uni object ID
>>> ------------------------------------ ----------------- 
>>> ---------------- --- --- --- ---------
>>> VKKRHB+LibertinusSerif-Regular       CID Type 0C       Identity-H yes 
>>> yes yes      4  0
>>> WYWFOS+LibertinusSans-Regular        CID Type 0C       Identity-H yes 
>>> yes yes      5  0
>>> WWPDNX+AnonymousPro                  CID TrueType      Identity-H yes 
>>> yes yes      6  0
>>> Next I ran my (quite long) book with
>>> lualatex mybook
>>> on a terminal 3 times and tried afterward
>>> biblatex SP-WITTE-08July2021-E.tex
>>> bash: biblatex: Kommando nicht gefunden.
>>> wolfgang at Fuji:~/Dokumente/PUBLIKATIONEN-EIGENE/SP-WITTE-2021$ bibtex 
>>> SP-WITTE-08July2021-E.tex
>>> I couldn't open file name `SP-WITTE-08July2021-E.tex.aux'
>>> So the question is now, how to get the references in the document.
>> Wolfgang, use biber for the bibliography, biblatex is only the LaTeX 
>> package and
>> not the bibliography program
>> lualatex SP-WITTE-08July2021-E
>> biber SP-WITTE-08July2021-E
>> lualatex SP-WITTE-08July2021-E
>> and maybe a third time lualatex, depending to your document's complexity
>> If all this works, then it should work from within LyX, too. Provided 
>> that you have
>> the correct font setting in the documents preferences.
>> Herbert
> thanks, Herbert.
> I add in the appendix a short file
> AnonymousPro.23-WE-HV-bib.lyx
> and a bib file BIBFILE.bib
> with one entry
> Could somebody check it?
> I tried it with export as lualatex and running lualatex on a terminal 
> without success >
> (./AnonymousPro.23-WE-HV-bib.bbl)
> LaTeX Warning: Citation 'Daan1984' on page 1 undefined on input line 20.
> ! LaTeX Error: Can be used only in preamble.
> Does it mean, I can't use a bib file for the references, but have to 
> include it in the preamble?
> Wolfgang

sorry, the \ before printbibliography was missing
but still the error I reported before
-------------- next part --------------
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