Fwd: Libertinus font and AnonymousPro > almost done

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at fu-berlin.de
Thu Jul 8 06:54:12 UTC 2021

Am 08.07.21 um 08:44 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> And indeed:
> wolfgang at Fuji:~/Downloads$ pdffonts AnonymousPro.23-WE-HV.pdf
> name                                 type              encoding emb 
> sub uni object ID
> ------------------------------------ ----------------- 
> ---------------- --- --- --- ---------
> VKKRHB+LibertinusSerif-Regular       CID Type 0C       Identity-H yes 
> yes yes      4  0
> WYWFOS+LibertinusSans-Regular        CID Type 0C       Identity-H yes 
> yes yes      5  0
> WWPDNX+AnonymousPro                  CID TrueType      Identity-H yes 
> yes yes      6  0
> Next I ran my (quite long) book with
> lualatex mybook
> on a terminal 3 times and tried afterward
> biblatex SP-WITTE-08July2021-E.tex
> bash: biblatex: Kommando nicht gefunden.
> wolfgang at Fuji:~/Dokumente/PUBLIKATIONEN-EIGENE/SP-WITTE-2021$ bibtex 
> SP-WITTE-08July2021-E.tex
> I couldn't open file name `SP-WITTE-08July2021-E.tex.aux'
> So the question is now, how to get the references in the document.

Wolfgang, use biber for the bibliography, biblatex is only the LaTeX 
package and
not the bibliography program

lualatex SP-WITTE-08July2021-E
biber SP-WITTE-08July2021-E
lualatex SP-WITTE-08July2021-E

and maybe a third time lualatex, depending to your document's complexity

If all this works, then it should work from within LyX, too. Provided 
that you have
the correct font setting in the documents preferences.


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