Large delimiters, multiline equations

Neal Becker ndbecker2 at
Fri Jan 22 18:06:55 UTC 2021

On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 11:26 AM Joel Kulesza <jkulesza at> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 6:29 AM Neal Becker <ndbecker2 at> wrote:
>> I have an equation that has to be split (to fit into beamer
>> presentation).  It has large delimiters that span the lines.  Does lyx
>> have any facility to help with this?  I did get a useable result, but
>> only with a lot of ERT.  Lyx seems not helpful here, is there any way
>> other than ERT to get "\Biggl. ... \Biggr]"?  Or "\right."?
>> Here is what I wanted:
>> \begin{multline*}
>> \mathbf{X}_{N_{C}\times S\times
>> A}=\left[\left[\left[\sum_{n}m1_{p+cL_{c}+nS}m2_{p+cL_{c}+(n+\tau)S}^{*}\right.\right.\right.,\\
>> \Biggl.\Biggl.\Biggl.\tau\in[-A/2\dots A/2]\Biggr],p\in[0\dots
>> S-1]\Biggr],c\in[0\dots N_{c}-1]\Biggr]
>> \end{multline*}
> To accomplish this, I prefer to use the Insert Delimiters capability (the subject of an adjacent thread).  Using "none" will let you give the appearance of matched delimiters that vertically scale to contain the contents.  The "Swap & Reverse" button is meant as a convenience to control delimiter insertion in this manner.  Finally, if you have lines that vary in vertical extent, a vertical phantom (\vphantom) with the proper contents will ensure consistent delimiter sizes.
> Hope this helps,
> Joel

Thanks for the reply.  I can't see how to do this.  Inserting
Delimiters seems to insist on inserting a pair of delimiters - I don't
see any way to just get \left[ for example.

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