picture environment

Neal Becker ndbecker2 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 21:40:35 UTC 2021

I would recommend use diagrams.net.  You can use latex or asciimath.
Export as pdf.

On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 1:35 PM Paul A. Rubin <parubin73 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 1/15/21 1:21 PM, Joe Babb wrote:
> I am trying to use Lyx to document some math and electronics and I need to
> place a block diagram into my document.  I can draw the diagram in a
> separate program and insert the jpg into Lyx, but what I'd rather do is
> draw it directly in Lyx and be able to place Greek characters in each box.
> I used to use Latex years ago and have the fourth edition of Guide to
> Latex which talks about the picture environment.  But I find no picture
> environment in Lyx.  I read on the Internet about typing an M-x somewhere
> to get to insert commands directly but can't get that to work.  I keep
> wanting to work in the code preview pane to insert Latex code directly but
> can't.  Is it possible at all in Lyx to to a block diagram?
> thanks,
> Joe
> First, to insert "raw" LaTeX into a LyX document, use Insert > TeX Code,
> the default shortcut for which is Ctrl+L.
> As for drawing diagrams, if you want to use Xy-Pic, there is a manual on
> how to do that in LyX (Help > Specific Manuals > XY-Pic. Other
> possibilities (doubtless among many) are to use the pstricks or tikz LaTeX
> packages. Each comes with its own learning curve. I have directly embedded
> tikz commands in LyX documents to produce diagrams, including flowcharts.
> Paul
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