Documentation Help

Baris Erkus bariserkus at
Wed Jan 13 19:27:00 UTC 2021

On 13-Jan-21 8:22 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> Hi, everyone,
> We hope to release LyX 2.4.0 in the next couple months. Before then,
> there is some work that needs to be done on the documentation. If you've
> always wanted to contribute to LyX but haven't because you don't know
> how to code, then this is your chance!
> The main task that needs doing is to copy the changes made in the
> English documentation over into the Spanish, French, German, and
> Japanese manuals, so that the translators can do translate it. You do
> NOT have to speak one of these languages to do this (though that might
> be helpful). It really is just a matter of going through the English
> manual, finding the new or changed material (which is marked with
> change-tracking), and pasting it into the other manuals. It's rote work,
> but important work nonetheless.
> Longer-term, we could also use someone to act as documentation manager
> during the 2.5 development cycle and to do this kind of work along the
> way. If you'd be interested in that job, please do let us know.
> Riki
Count me in.

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