lyx master crashed when converting text to note

V K sovhist at
Mon Feb 22 18:31:08 UTC 2021

On Monday, February 22, 2021, 12:24:22 PM GMT+2, Pavel Sanda <sanda at> wrote: 

On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 04:43:03AM +0000, V K wrote:

> Hello
> I compiled Lyx master recently, wrote some text in the old document, selected some text and inserted note onto it. Lyx crashes. I did some tests: Lyx crashes when I insert note by shortcut or by menu. But it crashes only on particular text (that is some short lines, one line ??? one paragraph), I think, that causes word with " " quotes (they are foreign in Lithuanian, I copied text from mail), but I can make note on line with that word ??? there should be more lines selected to get a crash. There is no crash when I select the same text from the bottom and create note.
> I can send file, but only privately.

Could you try buffer-anonymize LFUN (with perhaps "" quotes left) and reproduce with that version, so we don't need private conversation?

Yes, I can recreate crash with anonymized file. I marked line/paragraph part of which should be selected before creating note to get a crash with ====. Selection should be from the first line. Selection should encompass one line more on the bottom if selecting from the second line from the top. That is the minimal length to get a crash.

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