texlive and biblatex-spbasic
Herbert Voss
Herbert.Voss at fu-berlin.de
Mon Dec 20 17:18:06 UTC 2021
Am 20.12.21 um 17:49 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:
> I would like to better understand the tree(s) for texlive and what
> texhash and tlmgr do
> The important points are found behind the #### at the end of the mail.
> Thanks a lot
> Wolfgang
> Your installed tlmgr will notice and ask you to update it before
> updating anything else. The command to do this is: tlmgr update --self
> After any updates of tlmgr, you can then run, for instance, tlmgr
> update --all, which will update (including additions and removals) all
> other packages in your installation that have been changed on the server.
> sudo tlmgr update --self
> [sudo] Passwort für wolfgang:
> tlmgr: package repository
> https://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/tex/systems/texlive/tlnet (verified)
> tlmgr: saving backups to /usr/local/texlive/2021/tlpkg/backups
> tlmgr: no self-updates for tlmgr available
> tlmgr update --all
you can run
tlmgr --self --all update
then you do not need two comamnds
> sudo texhash
that is already done my tlmgr. And if you do not run the tlmgr as root
then you do not need it for texhash. I prefer always user permissions for
texlive. The reason why I did after installtion of texlive:
sudo chmod -R voss:voss /usr/local/texlive
then everything in this directors has user permission! And I never
need sudo to run texhash or tlmgr or ....
> wolfgang at Fuji:~$ find -iname 'texmf*'
> ./.texlive2020/texmf-var
> ./.texlive2016/texmf-var
> ./TEXMF-Sicherung
> ./TEXMF-Sicherung/texmf
> ./.texlive2019/texmf-var
> ./texmf
> ./.texlive2021/texmf-var
> wolfgang at Fuji:/$ sudo find -iname 'texmf*'
> ./root/.texlive2020/texmf-var
this is always created if you install texlive as root and running
tlmgr also as root.
If you want to see which package is used, run
kpsewhich biblatex-spbasic.sty
then you'll get what TeX will find first and using. With
kpsewhich --all biblatex-spbasic.sty
you'll get all files in the TeX dirextory structure.
> wolfgang at Fuji:/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local$ ls -l
> insgesamt 52
> -rw-r--r-- 1 wolfgang wolfgang 1943 15. Dez 15:02 biblatex-spbasic.bbx
> -rw-r--r-- 1 wolfgang wolfgang 2601 15. Dez 15:02 biblatex-spbasic.cbx
> -rw-rw-rw- 1 root staff 1578 10. Jul 20:01
> biblatex-spbasic-old.bbx
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 295 10. Jul 20:06
> biblatex-spbasic-old.cbx
> #### Questions:
> How do I make sure the new version is used?
first the current directory is searched, then an existing texmf directory,
then the texmf-local directory, then the main texmf-dist/...
> Should I remove the older biblatex-spbasic?
rename the old files to for example:
> How do I tell lyx to use the new version?
It will be used automatically if you rename the old files.
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