Bibliography not in ToC [RESOLVED]

Rich Shepard rshepard at
Tue Dec 14 21:23:05 UTC 2021

On Tue, 14 Dec 2021, Herbert Voss via lyx-users wrote:

> no, switching to biblatex (without natbib) and deleting the option below
> was what I changed. Look into the status bar, what the biber runs reports.


That's what I had done, too. Yet, I ran 'Reconfigure' and when I tried to
compile the document lyx pointed me to three errors in my .bib file.
Somehow, the authoryear citation at the beginning of three entries
disappeared. I replaced them, recompiled, and the problem is fixed:
bibliography is present and shown in the ToC.

Why it did not take when I changed the bibliography style I've no idea. But
the reconfigure forced lyx to show me there were errors in the .bib file.

Thanks for the help.

Stay well,


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