A big Christmas wish
xracoonx at gmx.de
Mon Dec 13 07:18:09 UTC 2021
On 2021-12-11 10:39, Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users wrote:
> After having spent numerous hours/days in trying to get a
> Koma script book to work under luatex/biblatex my biggest Christmas wish
> is to get a user file template for it which works.
> It should tell me,
> what to put in the Document settings
> the LaTeX Preamble
> the Bibliography (e.g. biblatex-spbasic)
> and the preferences in Tools
> Wolfgang
I haven't worked with LuaTeX before, so forgive my ignorance. But I am
curious what the issue is. I have just created a KOMA-script book with a
reference using biblatex-spbasic (attached) and compiled it with LuaTeX
and it just worked. No need for preamble or preferences to set. Maybe I
am missing some feature that you were using? Or what is it in particular
that was tricky to accomplish?
-------------- next part --------------
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