Permanence of strange .tex file

Rich Shepard rshepard at
Sat Aug 28 17:32:40 UTC 2021

On Sat, 28 Aug 2021, Stephan Witt wrote:

> Ok, I mentioned it because you said you’ve killed LyX. If you’ve quit LyX
> regularly then the temporary files are removed and you cannot find them anymore.
> The running process has this open and therefore you can see it. It’s on disk
> present until you kill the background process and then the disk space is freed.

LyX is always exited with Ctrl-Q. The .tex processes that remained and
consumed 100% of the CPUs (according to top) were killed by root with the
kill -9 <pid>

FWIW I've run only linux since 1997 and am quite familiar with it.


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