Placing bibliography on last page without page break / koma-script

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at
Fri Aug 20 10:37:05 UTC 2021

Am 20.08.21 um 11:49 schrieb jezZiFeR:
> Am 19. Aug. 2021, 11:26 +0200 schrieb Herbert Voss 
> <Herbert.Voss at>:
>     Am 19.08.21 um 11:22 schrieb jezZiFeR:
>         I also added
>         \defbibheading{mybib}{%
>            \let\cleardoublepage\relax
>         in the preamble and the parameter
>         heading=mybib
>         in the bibliography’s menu.
>         Again I get a bunch of errors, added in the protocol here.
>         Sorry, I do not get it, could you still help?
>     Create an _example_ document and send the lyx _and also_ the exported
>     latex file.
> here I send an example document with bib-file. I am not able to export 
> a latex-file (SigSev-error…), maybe I do something wrong, I am not sure.

it is a one sided document, so we need clearpage instead of cleardoublepage.
Attached your working example.

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