biblatex > two bibliographies

Daniel xracoonx at
Wed Aug 11 04:29:27 UTC 2021

On 2021-08-04 09:37, Daniel wrote:
> On 03/08/2021 18:12, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
>> Thanks, Daniel and Herbert for the proposals.
>> Daniels method works alright, except that it produces Š=Š= at the begin.
>> I don't know how to get rid of them.
>> Further Readings
>> Š=Š=
>> Bünning, E. (1983). The physiological clock. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. 
>> Heidelberg Science Library. Springer New York.
>> Forger, D. B. (2017). Biological clocks, rhythms, and oscillations - 
>> The theory of biological timekeeping. MIT Press.
> I don't see these symbols in the example file. So, there might be 
> problem with the files you are using. But it is hard to tell without a 
> minimal example or log file.

I missed that LuaTeX is involved. I don't have experience with LuaTeX. 
But it seems the problem is fixed by checking "Use non-TeX fonts (via 
XeTeX/LuaTeX)" in Document > Settings > Fonts.

I am just updating this here because it seems still a bit easier than 
adding keywords.

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