biblatex > two bibliographies
Herbert Voss
Herbert.Voss at
Tue Aug 3 18:02:17 UTC 2021
Am 03.08.21 um 18:12 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> Thanks, Daniel and Herbert for the proposals.
> Daniels method works alright, except that it produces Š=Š= at the begin.
> I don't know how to get rid of them.
> Further Readings
> Š=Š=
> Bünning, E. (1983). The physiological clock. 2nd ed. Vol. 1.
> Heidelberg Science Library. Springer New York.
> Forger, D. B. (2017). Biological clocks, rhythms, and oscillations -
> The theory of biological timekeeping. MIT Press.
> I might need to use the way Herbert recommended:
> define keys in the bib-data file to get different bibliographies, e.g.
> for one entry data:
> @{book,
> keywords = {second},
> author =....
> }
> Can this be done in the options box of the Biblatex Generated
> Bibliography in LyX? I must play with it (with [xxx]??). It is not
> well described in the LyX help file.
The keywords must be part of the bibliography data file. Look into the
of biblatex-examples.bib, it is part of your local TeX distribution.
Attached is a LyX file wihich uses the already defined keyword "primary"
> I also tried to use two Biblatex Generated Bibliography behind each
> other. The first one contains the bibliography of all the references
> (AUX2.bib). The second one contains only the recommended literature,
> which are in another bib file (AUX3.bib). The pdf output does not show
> any references.
> Would be nice to have an example file in LyX which explains -shows the
> way of getting two biblatex Bibiographies.
> Wolfgang
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