Aw: Re: Ligatures in the text

Dr Eberhard W Lisse nospam at lisse.NA
Fri Oct 23 06:33:02 UTC 2020


this is a (LaTeX) font issue.  The previewer used has nothing to do with

And not even unknown :-)-O

So you may have to select another font.  As Kornel wrote, DejVu which I
don't have installed.  Interestingly Tex Gyre's Pagella also doesn't
have ligatures.

I like Noto and it has the ligatures :-)-O

The example, by the way is not a MWE, it had tons of Settings, Modules
and the like...


On 2020-10-22 19:47 , Andreas Plihal wrote:
> Dear JMarc,
> I was quite suprised too. I have enclosed this mail a MWE: I see there
> are no ligatures, no matter if I use
>   * Adobe Acrobat Reader
>   * GIMP
>   * Firefox
>   * Edge
>   * Chrome
>   * ...
> Cheers
> Andreas

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