How to insert ERT before first list item

Sanford Shieh sshieh at
Tue Oct 13 17:46:59 UTC 2020

Hi all,

I'm trying to implement resuming enumerate in Beamer following the solution  This requires the following:

  \item zip

In LyX if I put \conti in ERT in the first item, the command appears after \item, and nothing happens.  One thing that worked is to make the first list item \conti in ERT together with a blank Custom Item.  The actual LaTeX, seen in the Preview panel, is \item[] \conti

My question is: is this the only hack available?  Or is there some method in LyX of reproducing the LaTeX above analogous to inserting a Mini Template?


Sanford Shieh
Department of Philosophy
Wesleyan University
350 High Street
Middletown, CT 06459
+1 860 685 3646
sanford.shieh at<mailto:sanford.shieh at>
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