'su lyx' changes file access privileges

Pavel Sanda sanda at lyx.org
Thu Oct 1 16:38:24 UTC 2020

On Thu, Oct 01, 2020 at 01:40:11PM +0200, paolo m.  wrote:
> % su - user2
> % umask
>   002
> Umask does not change and lyx starts. File privileges are changed, as 
> before.

Interesting. I do not see this problem here (qt4), umask is respected by
lyx so the user2 resaves the file as -rw-rw-r-- with umask 002.

What is not working is group preservation, i.e. the resaved file
has different group ownership. This is sort of buggy, but expected
because IIRC we do not care in the code about group preservation.

Anyway, even if fixed it won't solve your problem and I don't know
how it's triggered.


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