LyX: No textclass is found ??

Kees Zeelenberg kzstatis at
Thu May 28 14:40:17 UTC 2020

Op 28-05-2020 om 09:37 schreef Bernt Lie:
> As far as I know, I have installed everything the way I used to do.
> I notice one difference. On my old computer, MikTeX is given path 
> (System variables):
>   * C:\Program Filex (x86)\MikTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\
> while on the new computer, MikTeX is given path (User variables for …):
>   * C:\Users\...AppData\Local\Programs\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\x64\
> Questions:
>  1. Any reasons for this change in path?
>  2. What can I do to fix the set-up? (Note: during installation of
>     LyX, LyX apparently detected the correct path on the new machine.)
1. You must have installed MikTeX as ordinary user, not as administrator.

1. Is C:\Users\...AppData\Local\Programs\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\x64\ in 
your Path?

2. You could uninstall MikTeX and install as administrator.

2. Did you reconfigure LyX?



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