Beamer class: question and comment

Paul A. Rubin parubin73 at
Sat May 16 22:11:08 UTC 2020

On 5/16/20 4:54 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> I hope you're all healthy, productive, and safe and you stay this way.
> Question:
> After years of beamer presentations with different looks I've decided 
> on one
> that I'll use for all future presentations. How do I save this format and
> structure (stripped of presentation-specific content) as a default 
> template
> for all my future beamer documents?
> Comment:
> A just-completed presentation has 6 images in it. The first two share 
> their
> frames with text so I used columns and two individual columns per 
> frame with
> the image on the left and the text on the right. This worked just fine.
> But, the next 4 images are large and each occupies an entire frame by
> itself. I inserted the first one, tweaked the size and position, and used
> alt-p/shift-enter to create a new frame environment. But, nothing 
> happened;
> no new frame. I looked in the beamer manual but the word 'image' appears
> only once and in reference to using overlays.
> After much futzing I discovered a solution. When I defined a new frame
> environment I inserted an itemize environment, then immediately created a
> new, following frame. With the latter patiently waiting I inserted the 
> image
> in the first new frame, set its size and position, then moved to the next
> frame that was created before inserting the image.
> I hesitate to call this a bug because I don't know if there's a way I've
> missed to insert only an image in a frame then create a new frame 
> after that
> other than what I did.
> Regards,
> Rich

Re your question, I believe all you need to do is click File > Save As, 
click the "Templates" button in the dialog to steer you to your 
templates directory, and finish the save operation (giving it a suitable 

Re your comment, I don't reproduce that here. Keep in mind, though, that 
the shortcut to start a new frame (at least on my setup) is alt+p enter, 
not alt-p shift-enter. Works for me.


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