Show footcite as textcite

Daniel xracoonx at
Sat May 2 14:40:17 UTC 2020

On 2020-05-02 16:29, Daniel wrote:
> Hi,
> Are there any Biblatex wizzards on the list?
> I want the \autocite(s) (that I have set to footnotes) to show the same 
> format as the \textcite(s) commands.
> I can easily do
> \let\autocite\textcite
> \let\autocites\textcites
> But that doesn't accomplish what I want because I want them to still 
> produce footnotes. So, I guess I will have to redefine the autocite 
> commands with something like
> \renewcommand{\autocite}[2]{\textcite[#2]{#1}].}
> \renewcommand{\autocites}[2]{\textcites[#2]{#1}].}
> Would that in principle work? Does anyone know where to find the proper 
> definition of the *cite commands in question so that I can get the 
> definition right concerning number of optional arguments and such?
> Why do I want this? I am using also textcite in the text, so it just 
> seems natural to me to use the same format in footnotes that can also 
> have little texts. And I don't have any style guides to satisfy. So, I 
> just wanted it to look consistent.
> Best,
> Daniel

I tried my luck on stack but without success:


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