Beamer presentation PDF resolution

Giovanni giovannibis at
Wed Jun 17 17:56:39 UTC 2020

  mercoledì 17 giugno 2020, 10:21, Rich Shepard:

> I've used LyX (and LaTeX before this) for a very long time to prepare
> the slides (visuals) for presentations. They're always produced in a
> 4:3 resolution ratio and that's how both xpdf and mupdf display them.
> This works fine for in-person presentations projected on a screen by
> an lcd projector.
> However, videos for uploading to YouTube need to be in a 16:9 wide
> screen ratio. How can I set the PDF output to a 16:9 ratio using
> either 1920x1080 or 1280x720 resolution?
> TIA,
> Rich

Use "aspectratio=169" in beamer options


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