FW: Problems using Bibtex with lyx.

Mike Reeks mike.reeks at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 11 11:36:40 UTC 2020

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Mike Reeks
Sent: 11 June 2020 10:45
To: lyx-users-subscribe at lists.lyx.org
Subject: Problems using Bibtex with lyx. Help!!

I have used bibtex generated bibliography with access to an appropriates bibtex database of references in all my lyx files that cite references. 
Upto now I have had no problems. I usually generate a pdf file in the lyx document conversion. Now for some unknown reason when converting a lyx file toa  pdf file or any other file the reference list  is missing in the document conversion and the reference in the text are not recognised and appear as [?]. I have no idea what has caused the problem. Why it was working before and not now since as far as I am aware I have done nothing.  It happens on all my lyx files. I attach a simple example lyx file, the latex file and the pdf conversion file and the bib reference file. I would be very grateful if someone could shed some light as to what is going on. Its a really annoying. I am writing a review article using lyx which is about 6o pages long
Best regards
Mike Reeks
Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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