Lyx and won't open old files on Mac

Niklas Huldén nhulden at
Wed Jul 1 10:59:51 UTC 2020


I installed LyX 2.3.5 in June on my MacBook Air 13 (Catalina) and 
noticed that I could not open files from the "Recent files" list in the 
File menu. The program opened an empty document with the name of the 
recent file. I could open old documents using the "Open.." choise from 
the menu.

When I installed version I hoped this behaiviour would have been 
corrected, but now I could't even use the "Open..." choise. It allways 
opens up an empty file with the name om the file that should have 
opened. Same with version that I installed today. For some 
reason I can open the default Splash.lyx that sits on the "Recent files"

I have backupped my Preferenses file and started up an default version 
of LyX but the same behaviour continues. What could be the reason for 
this? Have anyone had similar problems?

All the best!

Niklas Huldén

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