Let it run

Scott Kostyshak skostysh at lyx.org
Thu Apr 30 21:05:44 UTC 2020

On Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 10:29:04PM +0200, Daniel wrote:
> Hi
> I have a large document that takes more than 10 minutes to compile. In
> between LyX seems to stop the process to ask me whether I want to "Let it
> run" or "Stop it". Is there a way to turn this dialog off? Otherwise, I
> always have to attend to LyX while waiting for the typesetting to finish.

I agree it is annoying for certain cases. For me it is annoying when I
use knitr. For you, is it purely LaTeX compilation that is taking the
time or something else?

I believe the process is not stopped. Try an experiment: when you get
the dialog, wait 10 more minutes until you're sure your script would
have finished, and then click "let it run"---it should immediately show
the PDF.

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