Show changes by date

Joel Kulesza jkulesza at
Wed Apr 29 18:43:18 UTC 2020

On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 12:33 PM Daniel <xracoonx at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am hunting down some encoding error possibly to do with my
> bibliography which is created via Zotero and Better BibTeX. If I remove
> the bibliography from my document it works fine. I am unable to create a
> minimal example because I don't know which entry is causing the problem.
> Is there a way to show the tracked changes I made by date so I can go
> through all the changes I made today in order to find the problematic
> entry?

Do you track the problematic file in version control (e.g., git)?  Is it
stored on an online service like Dropbox?  If not, I don't have a
suggestion, but either of those facilities should give some historical

- Joel
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