Embedding movies

phil philip_148 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 21 17:33:37 UTC 2020

Me too.

I have tried without success.

Can someone post a minimal working example?


On 4/21/2020 11:48 AM, UD Kap wrote:
> Sadly, it did not work, even after I added the missing { in your 
> example.   Too bad that Lyx/latex/beamer are still behind 
> (Libre)Office in this respect ;-(
> I tried both pdfpc in Linux and Adobe Acrobat in Windows.
> E. Kaplan
> On 4/19/20 5:28 PM, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
>> "multimedia" works for me very well.
>> You need to include
>> 	\usepackage{multimedia}
>> in the Preamble and then some centered ERT will do nicely
>> \movie[width=10cm, height=7cm, showcontrols{%
>> 	\includegraphics[width=10cm, height=7cm]{%
>> 		powerpoint.png
>> 	}
>> }{powerpoint.mov}
>> Needs to be presented with Acrobat, and it will ask for some permission
>> stuff the first time, which you don't see in full screen, so you must
>> remember to escape full screen, give the permission and return to full
>> screen.
>> I didn't try AVI but MP4 does not work, so conversion to MOV is
>> required.
>> Once the learning curve has flattened, this is trivial and works well.
>> greetings, el
>> On 2020-04-19 16:32 , UD Kap wrote:
>>> Is there a way to embed movies (mpg, mp4, avi) in a lyx/beamer
>>> presentation?  I have read the manuals and tried using multimedia,
>>> movie15 and movie9-- none worked.
>>> Thanks,
>>> E. Kaplan
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