Custom layout inset without arguments

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at
Mon Apr 20 20:47:34 UTC 2020

On 4/19/20 2:23 PM, Gaston Gloesener wrote:
> Riki wrote:
> >This is bug #4066: There's at
> least some intention to try to figure it out before 2.4.0. For now,
> the workaround you mention is the only one available.
> >Riki
> Thank you for this pointer. I am a bit scared by this bug report
> having 13 years and last update being 12 months ago, but let’s stay
> positive it will happen 😊
I filed the report, too, and have always meant to do something about it.
Really, that bug is more general, since the idea was for it to be
possible to declare various options, as well, so the command could in
effect have arguments (the way the label command does, e.g.).

>  Andrew wrote:
> >But you can eliminate the red box from showing by closing the inset
> (click on the inset label to toggle open/closed).
> Thanks for this workaround. I did actually notice this shortly after
> sending my email and must admit that it is already a big progress that
> I can at least get rid of the annoying  red box.
Would it be enough here if we could just have a "no text box" option?
This would basically be a form of Decoration.


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