Spanish and Catalan PO files (layouttranslations)

Pavel Sanda sanda at
Mon Aug 21 21:08:17 UTC 2023

On Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 10:54:48AM +0200, d3vf4n at wrote:
> I am attatching the Catalan and Spanish po files with the "Notes[[Endnotes]]" translation fixed: translated just as "Notes".

Thanks Daniel.

I committed your fixes for ca/es.po (0de78b5dddc1), regenerated layouttranslations (4afb796c599), manually fixed the Acknowledg(e)ment distinction (10a75ffe2ca) and added you to the hall of fame (2b82438ed1).

Both es/ca.po are now remerged to reflect up-to-date master (2.4) strings.
ca.po won't be however part of the release as it does not include enough of translated strings, it's too outdated (3203 fuzzy translations, 2385 untranslated messages.).

To fully update 5.k strings is not easy task in short run, but in case you ware interested to make ca.po translation alive again you could start just with menus and dialogs, and leave layouts for exotic layouts (like specific journals etc) "translated" just by copying the english strings; it decreases the translator's load quite a bit (and there is really no point in translating journal for american chemical society etc :) ).

Or you could leave .po files altogether and just work on manuals, really up to you :)


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