supported-languages.lyx: languages output order can vary and cause (?) failed compile

Scott Kostyshak skostysh at
Wed Mar 18 12:09:27 UTC 2020

On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 11:30:23AM -0000, Guenter Milde wrote:
> On 2020-03-14, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> > When I run the ctests, sometimes the supported-languages tests fail.
> > After comparing the failing .tex file produced to when I export on the
> > command line, it seems that the .tex files are slightly different. The
> > difference that causes the failure seems to be the order of the
> > languages in the \documentclass command. Attached is a file that fails
> > with the "latex" command. But if you comment out the \documentclass
> > statement and uncomment the "good" one just above, it passes.
> > Should the order of the languages matter?
> In an ideal world, it should not matter.
> However, we know that many language definition files contain parts that make
> them incompatible to other packages or language definition files.
> So, for me this is no surprise.
> > Does the .tex file fail for others when compiled with the "latex"
> > command? 
> Here on my old Debian/stable TL, there is no error log but the compilation
> runs "endless" until I kill it.

Good to know. I guess another question is: Should LyX produce different
LaTeX output in different situations? Even though the order should not
matter in theory, it would be nice to always output the same order.

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