supported-languages.lyx: languages output order can vary and cause (?) failed compile

Kornel Benko kornel at
Sat Mar 14 20:41:54 UTC 2020

Am Sat, 14 Mar 2020 16:29:07 -0400
schrieb Scott Kostyshak <skostysh at>:

> When I run the ctests, sometimes the supported-languages tests fail.
> After comparing the failing .tex file produced to when I export on the
> command line, it seems that the .tex files are slightly different. The
> difference that causes the failure seems to be the order of the
> languages in the \documentclass command. Attached is a file that fails
> with the "latex" command. But if you comment out the \documentclass
> statement and uncomment the "good" one just above, it passes.
> Should the order of the languages matter?
> Does the .tex file fail for others when compiled with the "latex"
> command? If not, it might be something specific to my system.
> I get the following error:
>   Loading the Common definitions for Arabic and Farsi
>   (/usr/local/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/tex/latex/arabi/arabicore.sty
>     Arabi Core switching commands v1.0  2006/01/01   (may still change)  
>   \n at everypar=\toks18
>   ! Argument of \o at everypar has an extra }.
>   <inserted text> 
>                   \par 
>   l.126    \n at everypar\expandafter{\the\o at everypar}
> I wonder if I accidentally made a change to a local file. The date 2006
> seems old, so perhaps I somehow overwote the TL file.
> Scott

I get the same with TL20 (pretest)

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