supported-languages.lyx: languages output order can vary and cause (?) failed compile

Scott Kostyshak skostysh at
Sat Mar 14 20:29:07 UTC 2020

When I run the ctests, sometimes the supported-languages tests fail.
After comparing the failing .tex file produced to when I export on the
command line, it seems that the .tex files are slightly different. The
difference that causes the failure seems to be the order of the
languages in the \documentclass command. Attached is a file that fails
with the "latex" command. But if you comment out the \documentclass
statement and uncomment the "good" one just above, it passes.

Should the order of the languages matter?

Does the .tex file fail for others when compiled with the "latex"
command? If not, it might be something specific to my system.

I get the following error:

  Loading the Common definitions for Arabic and Farsi
    Arabi Core switching commands v1.0  2006/01/01   (may still change)  
  \n at everypar=\toks18
  ! Argument of \o at everypar has an extra }.
  <inserted text> 
  l.126    \n at everypar\expandafter{\the\o at everypar}

I wonder if I accidentally made a change to a local file. The date 2006
seems old, so perhaps I somehow overwote the TL file.

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