[LyX/master] Start reporting missing citations and broken references in LaTeX build.

Jürgen Spitzmüller spitz at lyx.org
Fri Mar 13 15:45:28 UTC 2020

Am Freitag, den 07.06.2019, 17:05 +0200 schrieb Pavel Sanda:
> commit bf99ece7366ad479458b3cecb067341a3320286a
> Author: Pavel Sanda <sanda at lyx.org>
> Date:   Fri Jun 7 16:47:04 2019 +0200
>     Start reporting missing citations and broken references in LaTeX
> build.
>     Now we report these in the same way as LaTeX errors (but let the
> user to
>     see the result anyway). It remains to be shown much is this
> disturbing
>     to users. Generally, ignoring these is not a good idea, because
> they are
>     harder to manually spot in longer documents.

A major problem with this is that it breaks

1. children stand-alone compiling if they have references to siblings
or their master

2. multi-part documents compiled with "includeonly" and "maintain
counters and references: no" that contain references to excluded

I think this is a central use-case which is basically defunc'ed with
this change.

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