Registry handling on windows (installer)

Yu Jin technikmagma at
Tue Mar 10 07:18:52 UTC 2020

Am Mo., 9. März 2020 um 11:54 Uhr schrieb Pavel Sanda <sanda at>:

> By scriptable I meant to have some kind of (shell?) script, which converts
> the downloaded imagemagick to the one which is distributed by us,
> if we make any changes to it. This would have two advatages:
> 1. We are going to update imagemagick rather often because its often fixed
> for
>    security vulnerabilities. (Again graphicmagick ppl claim they are
>    better in this regard, but it maybe just advertisement bull...)
> 2. READMEs with manual instructions tend to be unupdated and manual
> instructions
>    are sometime ambiguous.
I have created a batch file, which deletes the redundant files. I have
decided to delete convert.exe and leave magick.exe, because it aligns with
the installed version of imagemagick and with what was shipped with LyX
until now.
I have attached the patch.

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