Perl and Indexing? [Re: Building windows installer questions]

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at
Thu Feb 20 22:40:19 UTC 2020

On 2/20/20 5:39 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> On 2/20/20 5:10 PM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>> Le 20/02/2020 à 11:36, Kornel Benko a écrit :
>>> No, why should it? If we provide lyx, we do not provide python.
>>> OTOH, package 'texlive-binaries' needs perl for instance and package
>>> 'texlive-base' wants
>>> 'perl-tk'.
>> Yes, it is the purpose of a texlive distribution: provide everything
>> needed to make tools work. Hence my expectation that texlive on
>> windows provides perl if it provides  perl scripts.
>> Actually it does:
>> It seems that MikTex does not do that, though. I am not sure it is LyX
>> responsibility to cater for that.
> I would propose then to remove Perl from the installer and point people
> at the page mentioned for additional info. TeX installations should
> manage their own dependencies, or not.

PS Probably it would be best to make that change for 2.4.0 rather than
in the 2.3.x series?


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