bug in "view" option

Yu Jin technikmagma at gmail.com
Tue Feb 18 11:09:39 UTC 2020

Am Di., 18. Feb. 2020 um 11:23 Uhr schrieb Sivan Frenkel <
sivanfrenkel at yahoo.com>:

> Hi,
> I am using Win10 and have just updated from version 2.3.4 to The
> update did solve the delay in saving, but seems to have created a new bug.
> The bug interferes with the use of "view" command. I am using Adobe Reader
> to views PDF files (I am using Adobe Reader DC version 2020.006.20034).
> When pressing the view button, just after a "successful preview", instead
> of opening the PDF file I get an error "The instruction at
> 0x000000007787C19E referenced memory at 0x0000000000000000. The memory
> could not be read". See below a picture of the error message. It is not
> clear to me whether its an OS error or an Acrobat error.
> When I use "File>Export>PDF (pdflatex)" the pdf is created and is opened
> using the Acrobat Reader without a problem. Nevertheless, this is clearly
> less convenient than the single button option.
> This must be a new bug, as it never happened before, and didn't happen in
> ver 2.3.4.
> Thank you very much for all your help. LyX is fantastic.
> Best,
> Sivan


This should not happen. Indeed it does work for me, I am not using Adobe
Reader though. Did you try reconfiguring (under Tools > reconfigure) or
reinstalling LyX?
If you create a new, blank file, does this also happen?
What you also could try is the "view other formats" button, which is the
5th button next to the "view" button going to the right of the screen.
Click that and choose "View PDF (pdflatex)".
If those things dont help, then go to "view" menu and check "Messages
Pane", then click on "view" again to produce the error and then send us the
content of the messages pane, it should look like this:

12:05:36.337: Previewing ...

12:05:36.343: (buffer-view: Ctrl+R)

12:05:36.357: pdflatex "newfile1.tex"

12:05:36.430: This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live
2019/W32TeX) (preloaded format=pdflatex)

12:05:36.430: restricted \write18 enabled.

12:05:36.430: entering extended mode

12:05:36.430: (./newfile1.tex

12:05:36.430: LaTeX2e <2019-10-01> patch level 3


12:05:36.529: Successful preview of format: PDF (pdflatex)


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