[REGRESSION] Temporary Directory Ignored

Stephan Witt st.witt at gmx.net
Tue Feb 18 07:37:15 UTC 2020

Am 18.02.2020 um 04:38 schrieb Richard Kimberly Heck <rikiheck at lyx.org>:
> On 2/16/20 1:01 PM, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
>> On Sun, Feb 16, 2020 at 07:01:04AM -0500, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>>> On 2/16/20 5:59 AM, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Feb 16, 2020 at 01:47:43AM +0100, Stephan Witt wrote:
>>>>> Am 16.02.2020 um 01:25 schrieb Enrico Forestieri <forenr at lyx.org>:
>>>>>> I tried to reproduce your configuration on linux by creating a /tmpriv
>>>>>> symlink pointing to /private/tmp and trying to set the temporary dir
>>>>>> to /tmpriv. I did non succeed because it seems that the temporary
>>>>>> directory cannot be changed and is always /tmp, whatever you set
>>>>>> in Preferences->Paths->Temporary directory !
>>>>> Yes, probably it’s platform specific if it’s /tmp or
>>>>> /private/var/folders/1x/zm63s22x7s591xrlgm4rl9v40000gn
>>>> No, this is a bug in LyX. If I write "/foobar"
>>>> in Preferences->Paths->Temporary directory, the temporary dir stil is "/tmp",
>>>> so I cannot verify your problem and test your patch.
>>> I do not see this on stable, but I do see the problem in master. If this
>>> does not ring a bell for someone, we should file a bug report. No time
>>> now but I can do it later.
>> Reported at https://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/11744
> And apparenty resolved at 4debbdd6.

Yes, I can confirm. I’m able to configure a user defined
temporary directory (again) on Mac too.

While we are at it - I think it’s a feature and not a bug:
the change in preferences is not applied until next restart.

The preferences dialog suggests another behavior. The checkbox
„Apply to current session only“ makes one think it’s applied 


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