[PATCH] lyxpreview_tools.py: fix a regular expression

Scott Kostyshak skostysh at lyx.org
Sun Feb 16 03:07:58 UTC 2020

On Sat, Feb 15, 2020 at 07:46:56PM +0000, Neven Sajko wrote:
> Hmm, after looking at the last few commits, it seems this may be a
> more involved issue
> than I first thought. On the one hand one has to take care to use the
> proper choice
> between "Unicode" and "byte" strings,

Thanks for the suggestions on the patch, Neven. Your alternative
suggestions give me something to look into and learn more about Python
quoting and encoding.

> on the other hand it seems like
> the Lyx guys want
> the script to work for both Python 2 and Python 3.

The current 2.4.0dev README says the following:

  Python (2.7 or 3.5 and newer) to convert old LyX files and for
  helper scripts.

> I'm curious, why is it necessary to support Python 2?

I forget what the discussion is regarding why we chose those versions.
From what I understand, requiring 2.7 (as opposed to some earlier 2.x)
makes things easier. Probably we will not allow 2.7 after some time or
whenever it would be a pain to maintain 2.7 compatibility for a
particular issue.


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