LyX 2.3.4 Windows Installer for Testing

mn mnork0 at
Sat Feb 1 13:48:08 UTC 2020

On 26.01.20 23:51, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

> I've put a Windows installer here
> for testing. The main thing is that I've updated Image Magick and,
> frankly, am not at all sure I've done so correctly. It did manage to
> export the User Guide, but I haven't tested preview, etc. Please let me
> know if it's working properly. I'll plan to do the release mid-week if so.

Just got around testing the Mac version.

UserGuide.pdf on macOS with default PDF viewer is unusable.

Unfortunately, UserGuide is

- blank in
- crashing
- transparency-grid empty in PDF-Expert
- optically OK in Adobe Reader

IMO most probably related to this bug

post-processing the file makes it readable in all PDF apps.

This seems to be not only the fault of pdftex.
The images include with LyX trigger this?

(Let me repeat again at this point that all PNGs, all SVGZs and all PDFs
included in LyX can be also made much smaller, reducing shipping size.
Why does nobody care about this at all?)


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