New export errors with TL19

Kornel Benko kornel at
Thu Dec 12 15:00:21 UTC 2019

Am Thu, 12 Dec 2019 15:01:27 +0100
schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller <spitz at>:

> Am Donnerstag, den 12.12.2019, 14:25 +0100 schrieb Kornel Benko:
> > This usage takes ages. 'make test' uses only 1 core.  
> I read Development.lyx, but there was nothing that instructed me how to
> run the tests more sensibly.
> Jürgen 

The tests which are connected to 'export' are labeled with the text 'EXPORT'.
So, to select such test we can use '-L export' as parameter.
'-E' defines a regex used to exclude unwanted tests
	$ ctest -L export -E "xhtml|lyx16|lyx20|lyx21|lyx22|lyx23"
( --> exclude a test like 'export/templates/de/Presentations/Beamer_lyx23')
'-timeout 300' means that a test should be aborted if it takes more than 300 secs

'-j24' number of tests which can be run in parallel.

Each known test can be run separately using a regex to select it
	$ ctest -R export/mathmacros/masterOfSpace_pdf4_systemF
(using '$ ctest -R export/mathmacros/masterOfSpace' would run
  Test #7000: export/mathmacros/masterOfSpace_lyx16
  Test #7001: export/mathmacros/masterOfSpace_lyx20
  Test #7002: export/mathmacros/masterOfSpace_lyx21
  Test #7003: export/mathmacros/masterOfSpace_lyx22
  Test #7004: export/mathmacros/masterOfSpace_lyx23
  Test #7007: export/mathmacros/masterOfSpace_xhtml
  Test #7008: export/mathmacros/masterOfSpace_dvi
  Test #7009: export/mathmacros/masterOfSpace_dvi3_texF
  Test #7010: export/mathmacros/masterOfSpace_dvi3_systemF
  Test #7011: export/mathmacros/masterOfSpace_pdf
  Test #7012: export/mathmacros/masterOfSpace_pdf2
  Test #7013: export/mathmacros/masterOfSpace_pdf3
  Test #7014: export/mathmacros/masterOfSpace_pdf4_systemF
  Test #7015: export/mathmacros/masterOfSpace_pdf5_texF
  Test #7016: export/mathmacros/masterOfSpace_pdf5_systemF
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